Hi, I’m Saahil Mehta.
I am an entrepreneur, author, and a passionate mountaineer.
Since 2010, I have scaled six of the tallest mountains in the world across five continents – a dream that I harboured since childhood.
As a global citizen, I have built successful businesses across two continents; but even after doing so, I struggled to experience peace, happiness, and abundance. Only once I was able to conquer my self-limiting mindsets and habits was I able to re-invent the complete spectrum of life – from mental focus to physical excellence.
With a singular focus on “decluttering” which no longer serves my life’s true calling and purpose, I was able to scale the actual summits of the world as well as the metaphorical summits of personal mastery.
Breaking Free was so liberating and invigorating, and the joy and abundance that I felt was so profound that I felt everyone should have the chance to experience it.
As a success coach to conscious entrepreneurs, I enable you to get diamond grade-clarity so that you too can break free as I once did.
On this journey, it’s been a privilege to be recognised as Dr. Marshall Goldsmith’s 100 Coaches who are committed to elevating leaders like YOU worldwide.
There is nothing more paralysing than feeling that no matter how hard you work-you are not utilizing your potential and you end up working harder. You always find yourself a little short of feeling the joy, fulfilment and success-as you imagined it would be!
I’ve come to realise that the biggest challenge ambitious leaders like you face is the lack of CLARITY about what success means to you, which in turn impacts your ability to make decisions that are right for you. I too have struggled with this for a large portion of my life which resulted in persistent mental anguish & stress, negatively impacting my business growth, relationships & wellness.
Imagine living every day with a clear sense of purpose, abundant time and energy to invest in your business decisions that accelerate growth, nourish relationships that matter and pursue passions for overall fulfilment.
Breaking Free from the “SHOULDS” was so liberating, and the joy and abundance that I felt was so profound that I felt everyone should have the chance to experience it.
As a success coach to ambitious entrepreneurs, I enable you to get absolute clarity, build a sustainable momentum towards your goals and scale your summits of success faster.
What will life look like when you actualise your potential, and amplify your impact?